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Сублимация башкирского
кумыса и кобыльего молока

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Dear partners and investors!

Ecoproduct LLC presents a project for the production of freeze-dried environmentally friendly dairy products in the Bashkir Trans-Urals. First of all, these are dried mare's milk and koumiss, produced on high-tech equipment using the lyophilization method at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees Celsius. Such process allows to obtain products without loss of their structural integrity and biological activity, in them food value and nutritional properties of natural mare's milk and koumiss are preserved to the maximum.

Our products cover the fields of treatment, rehabilitation, baby food and cosmetology. We also offer high quality raw materials developed using modern technologies. Only natural ingredients without preservatives, food additives and flavor enhancers are used in manufacturing. We take care to preserve the natural microflora of dairy products.

Our products:

1. Freeze-dried mare's milk and koumiss: high quality powder products that retain all the valuable properties of mare's milk and koumiss. The shelf life of the products is up to two years.
2. Capsules and dragees with dried mare's milk and koumiss. Easy to use, ready to use vitamin complex.
3. Creams for body and face: developed on the basis of mare's milk, our creams have unique properties to improve the skin of face and body. They are face creams, hand creams, foot creams, wash foams, face serums and body batters in convenient packaging.
4. Whitening face masks: our whitening face masks are under development and will represent a new level of skin care.
5. Baby food: our organic and healthy mare's milk powder can become the basis for baby food and an alternative to cow's milk, thanks to its hypoallergenic and more valuable composition, which provides babies with all the nutrients they need.

Why partners choose us:

● Innovative technology: the production of our freeze-dried products is carried out by leophilization method at a heat of no more than 40 degrees C, using advanced equipment, which allows to keep all nutrients intact.
● Quality: our freeze-dried products and cosmetics undergo strict quality control. We have our own factory in Baimak (Zauralye region of the Republic of Bashkortostan), as well as a laboratory, so we carefully monitor the preparation of raw materials
● Balanced composition: our cosmetics and products are designed to meet the needs of the skin and body, hypoallergenic.

Partnering with us is an investment in health, beauty and well-being. Join us in creating a future with care for yourself and your loved ones.

About the benefits of the product

The production of EcoProduct relies on an established scientific base and research by scientists. Participation in our program of highly qualified specialists allows, with proper recovery, to obtain products in which all the beneficial properties are preserved to the maximum. For the production of freeze-dried mare's milk and koumiss we use high-tech equipment of a South Korean company specializing in the production of technological lines for the pharmaceutical industry and petrochemicals. The quality of the equipment is confirmed by Russian consumers and international recognition.

Dry mare's milk can be used as a basis for creation of cosmetic products (creams, shampoos, conditioners, SPA procedures with “Cleopatra's baths”). Our company has experience of successful realization of creams for face, hands and feet based on dried mare's milk.

Mare's milk powder and koumiss are also indispensable sources of vitamins and trace elements in food production.
Freeze-dried mare's milk and koumiss returns to its original state when diluted with warm water.
Mare's milk has a composition similar to human milk, so it is an excellent alternative to cow's milk when feeding children with allergies. Mare's milk is a valuable, easily digestible biological product characterized by a high content of lysozyme, lactoferrin and lactadherin, and has an inhibitory effect on the development of pathogenic bacteria. Studies indicate that it may be useful in the treatment of atopic dermatitis, as well as in improving the appearance of the skin.

The high vitamin C content of mare's milk affects its antioxidant value.

Because of its lower fat and cholesterol content, it can be used to reduce cholesterol intake as well as control cardiovascular diseases. Mare's milk has been proven to play a role in the treatment of Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, as well as in the early stages of tuberculosis, kidney disorders, liver disorders and chronic peptic ulcers.

Sublimation is a unique opportunity to preserve the quality of natural products!


Our company has a certificate of international quality standard of medicines GMP, certificate of conformity GOST RF, certificate “Halal”, declarations of conformity of koumiss and dried mare's milk to the requirements of the Eurasian Economic Union.

ISO 22000:2018 French Cert

Certificate of conformity of the system of voluntary certification of products and services “Roskachestvo-halal” from August 12, 2023 to August 11, 2025. Dairy products have the requirements of GOST R 70401-2022

GOST for freeze-dried products:

Sublimated koumiss powder

TOU 10.51.56-997-37676459-2021

GOST R 52974-2008

EAEU Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity (EAEU CN of FEA) code 0403

Sublimated Mare's milk powder.

GOST R 52975-2008

EAEU Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity (EAEU CN of FEA) code
0402101100, 0402109900

Partnering with us is an investment in health, beauty and well-being. Join us in creating a future with care for yourself and your loved ones.

Sincerely yours, Ecoproduct LLC team


Russia, Bashkortostan Republic, Ufa city, Kavkazskaya 6|7
+7 987 487 -10-93 , +7 927 327 10 93
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